A girl in middle school told me once that I was “annoying” because I was “too happy.”
At the time, that kind of hurt.
Now? It makes me smile. Because that’s who I am.
I used to be really insecure about my bubbly, talkative, (and tbh, a little smart-alec-y) personality. I could come on a little strong at times, and not everyone wants to be besties during their first convo with you (learned that one the hard way).
I used to joke that I was like Hermione in high school, except without the glow up (haha).
This caused me to dampen my personality, hold back, let others speak first (even when I was BURNING up to contribute).
If you feel like you’re holding back parts of your personality any way in your life/business, I want you to experience a shift I felt a few years ago too.
One day I just decided to let myself be myself (especially on social media, I was so afraid of being cringe!!) And it was so freeing.
Now, this looks like:
In the words of my favorite musical artist Owl City (no joke, this song is playing right now), “Go and steal the show, ‘cause life is cinematic.”
Tl;dr – Do you, boo.